The Law Kicks Google Glass

“Bad boys, whatcha want, Watcha want, whatcha gonna do when Sheriff John Brown come for you? Tell me whatcha wanna do, whatcha gonna do?” The opening lyrics to the Inner Circle hit ‘Bad Boys’ can kind of be used to refer to the recent incident in California. Instead of a bad boy we have a girl, who is called Cecilia Abadie and she got fined for doing something that one officer thought was really bad and that was driving while wearing Google Glass. While Google Glass looks terrible and make you look like something from Star Trek, the question is should you really be fined by the state police or the fashion police? Anyway, we will have a quick look into the incident that occurred.

It seems that Cecilia Abadie was cruising around San Diego whole modeling her Google glasses, when suddenly an officer pulled her over and nailed her with a fine and as the ticket claims, she was “driving with monitor visible to driver (Google Glass)”. Even though the officer’s handwriting is terrible to look at and probably does require Google glasses to make any sense of it, Miss Abadie was told she had violated California Vehicle Code Section 27602, which states according to a quick web search, funny enough by using Google, that “A person shall not drive a motor vehicle if a television receiver, a video monitor, or a television or video screen, or any other similar means of visually displaying a television broadcast or video signal that produces entertainment or business applications, is operating and is located in the motor vehicle at a point forward of the back of the driver’s seat, or is operating and the monitor, screen, or display is visible to the driver while driving the motor vehicle.” Also another quick search explains that this law has exceptions when it comes to GPS and mapping.

So now Google glasses are classed as a distraction, kind of like watching a DVD of a strip-tease on your Chinavasion car DVD player (Had to do a quick plug for our products here). For those that have no idea what Google Glass is, it is suppose to be the future of how we use computers, by wearing them like glasses, hence the name. Google Glass is a wearable computer with an optical head-mounted display that basically displays information just like a smartphone would while also being able to communicate with the Internet by the use of natural language voice commands. Sounds trendy?
I have never experienced the Google glass so I could not judge if they are distracting or not, however Cecilia Abadie pleaded that the Google glass were not turn on. The first time I got to see these glasses in action was a YouTube parody video of what would pornography look like if the actors wore Google Glass and it shows objects of whatever the actor was looking at in the room being recognized and discovered on the internet for certain prices, reviews and ratings such as the girl’s high heel shoes she was wearing when being put in Karma Sultra style positions.

It is hard to judge if Cecilia Abadie deserved to be fined for wearing Google Glass, as they do interact with the environment, which can lead to distractions but she say they were turned off and if your car has a 7 inch monitor but it is turned off, then is that a distraction? This will need to be reviewed if she should have gone fined or not, but anyway she attracted interest by driving 10mph over the limit in the first place.

Just to throw this out here for anyone of our fans or customers but did you know that Bings Electronics has its own range of glasses? They may not be as advanced as Google Glass, but we have video glasses for a home theatrical view as well as Active Shutter glasses for watching 3D movies. Plus Bings Electronics has novelty glasses for Halloween and other dressing up parties.

To read the full story, please click here.

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