HTC Jack Tong Replaces Ren Weiguang to Oversee China Smartphone Market

HTC officially made a statement today that president of HTC China will be replaced by Jack Tong, president of HTC North Asia. Ren Weiguang, previous HTC China chief will be responsible for HTC new business development.
It is reported that this appointment will take effect from August 19.
In recent years, HTC continuously decline in the performance. According to the 2013 HTC second quarter report, the net profit is 12.5 billion New Taiwan dollars (about 41.63 million U.S. dollars), falling by 83% on the same year before. Although, HTC has been trying to change this situation, but facing the fierce and competitive smart phone environment, it has not been possible to reverse the trend.
According to HTC Chairman Cher Wang, compared with Samsung, HTC is a very young company, and has much room to improve, especially in the brand marketing. Until today it has not fully resolve this, it still needs to be strengthened.

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