Foxconn Internship Incident

Uh-oh… Big Taiwanese manufacturer firm Foxconn, who assemble electronics as well as make parts for companies such as Apple and Sony are making headlines again, and not for anything good. Foxconn being the present and future thinking company had some interns from the city of Xian (Where the terracotta warriors are) to come and do some work related to their engineering course. You would think working for the world’s biggest manufacturer is a step in the right direction, however these interns learnt the hard way of why it is better to stay in school than enter the big world without any education. They were rewarded on their internship by having to sit down and get involve with call of duty, and not the call of duty for the xbox 360 console but the call of work duty as they had to slave away for about 11 hours a day and all for the great fee of 0. Not paying interns is what encourages companies to take on interns, it is acceptable slavery in modern times and most students walk away either feel pleased or like most of the time wondering if they had made the right career choice. The students obviously complained and had said that they had been assigned to work on the assembly lines to make Sony PlayStation consoles as an alternative to engaging or learning any work related to their course. When the students asked to drop out, Foxconn told them they would lose their internship credits that would cause problems with them obtaining a diploma. Foxconn really had a tight grip on these students and it answers many questions about how China can manufacture for cheap compared to the West, especially with antics like this. Anyway Foxconn in the end pretended they had no idea what was going on apologized and have decided to fall into line with their original policy.

Foxconn have received media attention before, especially with previous employees who would rather jump out of the window and commit suicide than rather work another day. Foxconn have informed they have cleaned up their act, the way they treat their workers and have raised wages significantly and also have provided safety nets in case some other employees try to jump out of the window. To read more please click here.

Bings Electronics promises that our suppliers in China all act within the law that would satisfy Western standards. We ensure all our suppliers as well create products that also suit Bings Electronics vision.

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