Microsoft Has Set The Date For War!

With all the chaos and confusion with Syria and people claiming it could lead to World War III, they are forgetting about the war that is soon to kick off on the countdown to Christmas. Microsoft’s Xbox One and Sony’s Playstation 4 are looking to capture the market, especially the one where old Saint Nicholas comes down the chimney and delivers the requested goods, but the question is which console will be the most requested. When both were launched Microsoft dropped the balls, actually the dropped every ball they had and Sony picked them up and ran the full track for a touchdown after Microsoft talked about the limitation of pre-owned games. Also a huge advantage goes to the Sony Playstation as it comes at a much cheaper price as the Xbox will hit the shelves with a $499 price tag while its Japanese competitor is a whole $100 cheaper at $399.

Microsoft are still convinced they will do well and even claimed they have sold out of their pre-production orders and have already needed to increase manufacturing. Also Microsoft have gone back on some of their original restrictions but critics have said they had set the bad taste in the potential consumers’ mouth by setting restrictions in the first place. Microsoft have announced that their console has had some upgrades to improve its performance and exterior such as a CPU, which is about 16% faster than previous models as well as a newly designed screw-less back handheld game controller. November 22nd is the date that Microsoft has chosen to launch their console, only time will tell.
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