LG has a curved battery to complement its curved smartphone display

Last week it was rumoured, and this week it has been confirmed that LG is manufacturing a 6-inch curved display using plastic substrates for use in a smartphone.
The jury is still out on the benefits on using a curved display in a handset, but the proof will inevitably come from actually using one. However, a curved display does pose some problems for manufacturers because other components aren't curved. For example, how do you place a large, flat battery in a curved handset?
LG is answering that question by not using the standard rechargeable batteries found in all modern smartphones today. While the company’s display division (LG Display) has been perfecting this new, curved display, LG’s battery division (LG Chem) has been perfecting a curved battery to go along with it. And that battery is already being mass produced.
LG filed a patent for its curved battery back in August 2012 and it was subsequently published in May of this year. The patent describes a layered battery that is enclosed in a flexible pouch. The battery can be formed into a curve shape at point of manufacture by applying pressure to it using curved plates at a temperature of 85 degrees Celsius.

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