Myths and Facts about the Google Glass

Yet again, someone wearing Google Glass was assaulted and had the gadget ripped off their face. People are upset they’re being recorded by Google. But that’s not how Google Glass works — it’s not always recording you and it’s not always on. Maybe you already run into someone wearing Google Glass. You don’t have to like Google Glass, but you should know how it works because it will only become more widespread.


It’s Not Always Recording

The biggest misconception about Google Glass is that it’s an always-recording camera that’s always watching and uploading data to the Google mothership. This isn’t true at all. Google Glass is not always recording you, even when it’s on. That person wearing Google Glass while sitting in a bar and talking to someone probably isn’t even using it — they just have it on their face.
It’s not physically possible for Google Glass to be constantly recording. This would drain too much battery power. If Google Glass were always recording, it would only run for about 30 minutes before needing a recharge. People can’t use Glass to record everything.

It’s Not Always On

Not only is Google Glass not always recording, it spends most of its time off.  Like a typical smartphone, Google Glass spends most of its time in standby mode. It wakes up for a few specific reasons. It only wakes up automatically when a notification arrives — someone may choose to see their incoming text messages on Glass. Unless a notification arrives, it will only turn on when its wearer chooses to turn it on.

It’s Not Always Listening

Google Glass can be turned on by saying “OK Glass.” Does this mean it’s always listening? Yes, but not in the way you might think.
This feature functions similarly to the “OK Google” feature on the Moto X and Nexus 5 smartphones and the “Xbox On” feature on the Xbox One. Google Glass has a low-power audio processor that’s constantly capturing audio data and analyzing it to see if it matches these words. If it does match these words, the device — whether it’s Google Glass, a smartphone, or an Xbox — will turn on and await further input.

How to Tell If Someone is Using Glass

You can tell if Google Glass is on. Look at the display above the person’s right eye. If it’s on, you’ll see a small light — you can see the tiny display that they’re seeing up close. By looking for this light, you can tell whether a Google Glass user is using their device or not.

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