Verdict On the ‘Google Glass’ Driving Case

Remember a blog that was written about a month ago where a woman named Cecilia Abadie was stopped by the police and fined for driving while wearing her Google Glass?

We are glad to report the verdict of the court case was that she was cleared of the offence. The police officer claimed that the Google Glass was dangerous to wear while driving as she could be distracted. Google Glass is a pair of technology advanced computerized glasses, where the user can scan objects, take pictures, record videos and send messages however only the user will get to see. It is just like a smartphone, however you wear it like glasses for more ease and practicality. These Google Glass glasses are exclusive and usually require and invite for the person to buy a pair, and Cecilia Abadie received her as she was one of the 10,000 explorers, basically a tester, earlier this year.

Cecilia Abadie argued that the glasses never provided a distraction and there was no blind spot when driving them. Plus her lawyer argued that the technology advanced glasses by Google were never actually turned on when Cecilia Abadie was driving, but there was nobody to prove they were on or off. Also the speeding ticket that caused the police officer to pull her over in the first place was also waived meaning that Cecilia Abadie had a good day in court.
To read more, please click here.

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