Robot Wars? Google Buys U.S Military Robotic Manufacturer

Prepare for war as Google have stepped up their game by purchasing robot manufacturer, Boston Dynamics. Boston Dynamics were founded in 1992 are well known for working with the US military and developing BigDog, a quadruped robot. Boston Design is the eight robotic design and manufacturing company that Google has purchased. Just to let you know, Boston dynamics also made the Cheetah robot, which is like the animal in the terms it is the fastest robot around as it can run to speeds of 29mph. Recently, many internet companies have shown interest in robotic technology with Amazon testing out flying robotic drones to start deliveries, so possibly this could be the new age of robotic wars with Google using military robots to shoot down the drones? I hope so.

I was a fan of the original Terminator movie, and was inspired by Arnold Schwarzenegger to be a big, bad ass European therefore anything with robotics grabs my interest however I hope it doesn’t end up like the movie with the robots destroying human civilization. Anyway, before I go off topic there has been no confirmation about the price Google has paid yet, although leading this purchase is a guy called Andy Rubin, who once had an idea to make a super computer that everyone can have their pocket, and Android was born.

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