The App that makes you become a D.I.Y Car Mechanic

Ever heard of AR? No? Well, AR means ‘Augmented Reality’ and it is being implemented in technology devices such as tablets, smartphones and Google Glass wear. Augmented reality (AR) is a live, copy, view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented  by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or even GPS data. Still don’t understand? Let me give you an example. You are driving down the road then suddenly the oil light turns on the dashboard so you pull over and inspect the problem. The problem is you know nothing about fixing or maintaining cars, so you put on your Google Glass and turn on the app and look at your vehicle’s engine. The app will show what you regularly see however it will advise you how to check and change the oil by using graphics and video while also highlighting which pipes are operating correctly and which ones may have a fault. It won’t make you as good as a well trained professional mechanic but at least it may give you an idea so you can describe it to the vehicle breakdown service. To achieve this, the eye wear that employ cameras to intercept the real world view and re-display its augmented view through the eye pieces and devices in which the AR imagery is projected through or reflected off the surfaces of the eye wear lens pieces. This technology has been designed by German engineers at the Audi research headquarters who have spent a lot of time to make the perfect app.

There are apps available that once installed can be used to explain what each button on the car’s interior dashboard does, which is ideal when you have a vehicle you are not familiar with such as a rental.

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