Nintendo Wii-U Stocks Suffer

Is it “Sayounara” Nintendo? Recently shares for Nintendo have plummeted, which is a shame, especially after the company cut-back its predicted sales for the new age console.  Maybe Nintendo will follow in the footsteps of its former adversary, Sega as it could be time for Mario to take that final trip visit through the pipe as the Princess Peach gives in and takes a trip down on King Koopa.

Nintendo saw more than £600m wiped from the company’s value, which was caused by a 68% fall in sales of the Nintendo Wii-U. Nintendo had hoped to shift 9 million units but that has dropped all the way down to less than 3 million units. To put this in context, Microsoft One saw more than a million units within 24 hours of it being released and the Playstation 4 has already sold over 4 million units starting this year. There are certain reasons that may have lead to the unsuccessful sales of the Nintendo Wii-U and one of the failures was that it did not support third party developers, which is incredibly important, especially when the competition is already doing this. Nintendo’s top selling games have usually been home grown games by Nintendo and that seems to have blinded them to the development of gaming that is not contained inside the Nintendo office. Nintendo games are excellent however they also have a distinct style and feel to them and they are usually remakes of considerably older games from 10 to 20 years ago. Nintendo could have made more of their games available on other consoles especially when there are other brands that are dominating the markets from Sony and Microsoft.

Another factor was that Nintendo’s online service was not exactly the most welcoming and attractive to use. Compared to its competitors’ infrastructure for online the internet gaming, the Nintendo eShop is dreadful and considered bare so when users visit PSN or Xbox Live, they will instantly notice the difference and why the latter choices are more appealing. A weakness of why the Wii-U just couldn't cut it was that it was seriously underpowered when compared to its buffer and steroid induced opponents. The Wii-U’s hardware cannot compete when you consider the quality hardware and equipment that its rival consoles uses; it is like urinating next to a race horse. Some people have said that the Wii-U is hardly capable of competing with the earlier generation of consoles let alone the powerhouses that are the Microsoft Xbox One and Sony PS4.

Now that Nintendo Wii-U has been considered a letdown and a disappointment when concerning its earlier forecast it has to look at other alternatives and that seems to be smart devices such as phones and tablets such as Apple and Android products.

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