Tmall and Jingdong Raked in 70 % Market Share in Chinese B2C Business

China Ecommerce Research Center recently released the top 10 China online B2C companies in the first half of 2013. Alibaba’s B2C Tmall topped the list with taking 50.4% of the market share. Jingdong with 20.7% market share got the second place, and followed by Suning that ranked third with the share of 5.7%. The rest respectively are: Tencent (5.4%), Vipshop (2.6%), Amazon China (2.3%), Dangdang (1.9%), Gome (1.7%), No. 1 store (1.6%), Vancl (0.8%).

From above we can see that Alibaba’s B2C Tmall have the absolute advantage in the B2C market, but the development and Suning and Jingdong also more favorable, both were relatively improved compared to the last year. Therefore, B2C top three market share increased to 76.8%, while in the last year the share of the top three accounted for 71.9%.

jd and tmall

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