7 High Tech Products May Reveal Your Privacy

We post our every idea that goes through our mind on Twitter. Every lovely picture, we share on Facebook. Even though, we don’t want our boss know the complaining, we still write it down on our blog. Nowadays, privacy is not that important if those tech-products can enrich our life and make it more convenient. But after former CIA employee, Edward Snowden disclosed government mass surveillance programs to the press; tech-fans began to think about the privacy issue.
So what the problem in front of us is how to hide our secret and at the same time how to share our views with others. Well, I think it is not that easy to answer these questions. Furthermore not only privacy revealed by ourselves, but a stranger or passerby may steal your privacy with these high tech-gadgets.
1. Google Glass
You may be taken picture or shot video by someone wearing Google glass you ever knowing about it.
7 High Tech Products May Reveal Your Privacy
2. Memoto
Memoto is a small wearable lifelogging camera. It automatically take a picture for every 30 seconds while wearing it throughout the day, a practice referred to as “life-logging”. People raise concerns on integrity and privacy issues about it. It may sometimes take a picture of the others private moments & even the owner has no idea about it.
7 High Tech Products May Reveal Your Privacy
3. Google Now
Google Now – a really cool application to install on Android or iOS mobile devices. It will records your email and your search text, and then updates the data you may need automatically. It is really a cool app for people usually travelling around. It follows by your track you leave behind.
7 High Tech Products May Reveal Your Privacy
4. Facebook Picture Search
If you don’t remember someone’s name, you could search him on facebook just describe some of his characteristic. Fortunate, just your friends can search your detail information.
7 High Tech Products May Reveal Your Privacy
5. Google Street View
It’s sometimes annoying, where ever cars going and it’s shooting all the time. Be careful if it takes pictures of your email, password or something else.
7 High Tech Products May Reveal Your Privacy
6. Find my phone
If your iphone is missed or stolen, you could find your iPhone using find my phone app. It still has some privacy issue, no one knows you could post the thief home or not.
7 High Tech Products May Reveal Your Privacy
7. Password Pill
After you eat the password pill, it could send out 18-bit data signal to connect to outside devices. It uses for ID identified that means we can eat our password. Then you would never forget the password or lost it. But it looks more like that your body is a signal launch tower.
7 High Tech Products May Reveal Your Privacy

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