Huawei Continues to Make Smartphones Running Windows Phone

One of Huawei executives recently said the company will continue to make Windows smartphones, even though Microsoft will produce their own hardware after completed the acquisition of Nokia’s mobile phone business.
Earlier this year, Huawei has become the fourth company to sell Windows mobile phone, right after Nokia, Samsung Electronics and HTC.
According to Richard Ren, Huawei’s European consumer business director, Huawei will continue to develop devices equipped with Windows system for they are still one of Microsoft’s strategic partners.
Dealing with Nokia allows Microsoft to launch Windows smartphone more timely. But some analysts worried that it would make other hardware makers support the platform more carefully, last year, the partnership with other PC makers got stained after Microsoft launched its own brand tablet ‘Surface’.
But for Huawei, it’s a not a big concern as Windows phone is not the major part of its handset sales. The large share of phones sold are the company’s Android system mobile phones. The company was ranked as the fourth-largest maker of smartphones by shipment volumes, according to International Data Corp., having shipped 20 million models world-wide.
Huawei windows phone

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