Huawei Sees 5G Wireless Boosting Mobile Speeds Up to 100-Fold

Huawei Technologies Co.,China’s largest telecommunications equipment maker, said it plans to introduce fifth-generation mobile technology for commercial service by 2020, with speeds 100 times current 4G networks.

Even before 4G service is commercially available in China, Huawei has devoted hundreds of engineers to develop the technology, Hu Ken, the Shenzhen-based company’s deputy chairman and rotating chief executive officer, said in an email yesterday.

China Mobile Led,. the world’s largest wireless carrier, is conducting trials of 4G networks in China with licenses for commercial service anticipated by the end of the year, the company said in March. There are about 200 4G networks operating commercially in 75 countries today, with another 200 in progress or planned, Hu said, citing the Global Mobile Suppliers Association. About half the world’s population will have access to 4G mobile networks by 2018, he said.

Adoption of 5G, which requires appropriate airwaves be released by government regulators, will mean mobile broadband at speeds of up to 10 gigabytes, or 100 times the fastest 4G coonnection, Hu said.

Current 4G mobile technology offers Internet connections at speeds up to 100 megabytes, three times faster than the 3G technology that preceded it.

The Chinese mainland is looking to jointly develop 5G technology with companies in Taiwan and set up a cross-Straits supply chain.

Source:Shenzhen Daily

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