Syria Fight Back With Electronic Hacking Army

The world is now watching as tensions are brewing up in the international community about how to deal with the crisis in Syria. Obama is pushing for military strikes against Asaad’s regime as they have been accused of using chemical warfare against civilians that the US has claimed has killed almost 1,500. The UK has voted not to be involved in the crisis and surprisingly the French shown strong support for military action. The UN inspectors have left Syria after spending four days inspecting the chemical attack that the alleged regime of Asaad had conducted. It is hard to believe who is telling the truth and unfortunately most people’s references are from the media, which usually like to accuse someone before having evidence or suggest it was someone who may have not even been connected.

The media is very powerful and influential that can help manipulate people’s opinions, so the way to fight the media is with media. The Syrian Electronic Army are fighting back against the media by attacking the websites of major media and journalist corporations that include BBC, CNN and the Guardian. They believe that are doing the right thing and are bringing people’s attention to the truth about Syria and not the self-proclaimed lies that the Western media have fabricated.

With their hacks, they try and lead the traffic of the victim’s website to their own so users will read their material, this was the case of the New York post. Also they caused mayhem for social media users of Twitter, by bring the website to a halt for several hours. The S.E.A has been known to be supporters of Asaad’s regime and therefore post material that favors him over the rebels. Further attacks and other surprises have been announced by the Syria Electronic Army.

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