Bluetooth Association Informs Shenzhen Manufacturers

A bluetooth toothbrush for kids that helps parents track how their little ones cleaned their teeth on their smartphones or tablets, and a wireless Bluetooth keyboard that will work for seven years on only two AAA batteries are among the gadgets introduced to nearly 300 Shenzhen Bluetooth product manufacturers yesterday at a seminar.
Bluetooth SIG, a non-profit trade association for the world’s Bluetooth manufacturers, used the event to update Shenzhen firms on the latest development of Bluetooth technology. It also allowed some of the city’s leading Bluetooth manufacturers, including Advance and Wise Technology Corp. and TESMO Technology Let., to showcase their products.
“Shenzhen is a hotbed for innovations,” said Steve Hegenderfer, Bluetooth SIG director of developer programs. “We expect to hold more similar events in Shenzhen.”
A string of recent moves to integrate the latest Bluetooth technology into smart devices by leading OS providers like Apple, Microsoft, Blackberry, and most recently, Google, sets the stage for an increase in the potential areas of growth for Bluetooth Smart devices, the seminar was told.
“The explosion of Bluetooth Smart devices we are currently seeing- from huge brands like Nike and Adidas, to innovative startups – is really just the tip of the iceberg,” said Suke Jawanda, Bluetooth SIG CMO.”Driven by OS support from all the major providers, analysts project a 10 fold shipment increase.Our focus must now turn to providing developers the tools to make it simple to create Bluetooth Smart products and companion applications.”
Google announced late last month that Android 4.3, Jelly Bean, the latest version of Android OS with capacity for Bluetooth Smart Ready, which analysts say, will provide manufacturers for a new generation of Bluetooth Smart app-cessories.
“We have already seen hundreds of products launched this year – home automation locks, pedometers, fitness sensors, soccer balls, shoes, medical devices, even planter pots- utilizing altra-low power Bluetooth Smart technology,” said Jawanda, “This is just the beginning.”
Bluetooth smart
Source:Shenzhen Daily

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