GPS Devices: How To Install Them On Your Bike Or Car

GPS devices are great for helping you recover your vehicle should you lose track of it. You will have a much easier time finding it in an unfamiliar parking lot, and the police would have a serious advantage should it get stolen.
GPS devices
The actual process of installing the said GPS tracker on a vehicle, however, is a different thing altogether.
Now before anything else is said and done, it is highly recommended that you bring your car or bike to an auto shop that is capable of installing electronic devices. These folks know how to hook a lot of stuff up to your vehicle without messing around with the core wires.
If you are confident enough in your DIY skills, then here is a quick set of steps to help you install GPS devices on your car or bike:
Prepare The Right Tools
Prepare these beforehand:
1. GPS navigation kit
2. Digital Multi Meter 
3. Phillips and flathead screwdrivers
4. Ratchet set
5. Handheld drill
6. Wire stripper, crimper and cutter
7. Solder and soldering iron
8. Tapping screws and ring terminals
9. Electrical tape
Study The Wiring Diagram Of Your Vehicle
You can find the wiring diagram on your owner’s manual. If you no longer possess the manual, you need only identify take note of the vehicle’s model and go to your dealer. You can also use search engines like Google or Bing to find a digital copy of the wiring diagram. Why the bother? This diagram will tell you what wires you can use to power your auto GPS system without killing your car or bike.
Check The Wiring
Use the wiring diagram as a reference point from here on out. Remove the wire panels on your car or bike with your tools and test each wire with a multimeter to see if it’s live or not. Wrap the wires with electrical tape at regular intervals to prevent the wires from getting all mixed up.
Mount The Tracker On An Inconspicuous Spot
GPS devices should be mounted on the more overlooked parts of the bike. If you are mounting GPS devices on a bike, just under the metal body of the bike or inside the handlebars are great hiding spots. A car has a lot of hiding places, like inside the driver’s seat or right under the chassis of the car. The important thing to remember is that the auto GPS tracker itself should not easily be spotted by a casual once-over of the car.
Wire The Relays
This is the part where you solder and tape up the connections. Make sure that no wire is left exposed otherwise you could end up shorting the electrical systems of your vehicle. Carefully reorganize all the wires once the wiring is completed, close up the wiring panel and test vehicle GPS system to see if it works.
The process will vary depending on the specific build of your car or bike, but this basic guide should be enough to help you install GPS devices on cars and bikes alike. Remember that there is no shame in asking a professional for help – even if it is just advice on how to install an on-board GPS tracker!

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