Convenience During The Cold Winter – “Hi-Call” Gloves

Winter is approaching and unless you are already prepared you are sure going to feel it. There is one thing that annoys me when I am out in the cold that I never think about it until it happens, and that is dealing with my smartphone. When it begins ringing I have to force my hands into my pocket and as I wear jeans the pockets are pretty tight meaning my already frozen hand has to be forced into a tight space to try and dig for my phone. After a minute of trying to get my phone out and the caller has already stopped ringing because they think I am not answering so I got to check who called and when I put my phone back in my pocket and decide to call them back from a warm place they begin to call me again and I have to have another attempt of trying to fish my phone out of my pocket. I hate it, I hate it more that small letterboxes and ‘do-gooding’ liberal students, unless they own a cat.

However, there is now a solution to this burden that haunts me most winters and before you got on your high horse and suggest what about a Bluetooth headset, I would like to remind you of how annoying it is to handle a Bluetooth kit while wearing a pair of gloves. Bings Electronics has a solution, which is called “Hi-Call” and while the name doesn’t seem that creative the actual product is because it allows you to take calls via the glove. Yes, that is right, you can now actually ‘talk to the hand’. Just like when you were a kid, you may have used your used a certain hand gesture where you put your thumb to your ear and little pinkie finger to your mouth. This is exactly the same gesture needed when engaging in a conversation using the “Hi-Call”. Easy to answer the call as you just press the green button on the cuff to answer and a way you go as you strut around the streets looking like you have finally lost your marbles or are doing some kind of role-play, when in actually fact you are really talking to someone. Look at the photo below and you can see two people talking to each other, with one of them sitting inside an office wearing the gloves, she must really think they are convenient.

How to connect to your smartphone? Easy by using Bluetooth, and according to the write up this Bluetooth connection is version 3, which means nothing to someone like me but according to Wikipedia it is a one of the best versions and up-to-dates versions around with a stronger and a more stable connection, probably makes sense as this product has a 12 meter transmission range between phone and gloves, so unless you have really long freaky arms like Dhalsim from the old school street fighter game then you shouldn’t have a worry with the pairing.

Generally, I think this product will please me in the winter, plus I get to walk around looking like a knob-head in front of people so I will enjoy wearing these. Plus at the low Bings Electronics price it is an absolute steal, and let’s get real, how cool will it be when your phone rings and you answer it and start talking with these gloves?

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