China Makes 33% Of Everything And What That Means For You

If you’re looking to purchase most types of electronics, chances are it will be made by a manufacturer in China. After all, China is responsible for manufacturing 33% – a third – of all goods around the world.
But just how did China’s economy end up ballooning so rapidly while the rest of the world seems to just crawl along?
made in china
“Made In China” No Longer What It Used To Mean
Once upon a time, or as early as a decade ago, anything with the ‘made in China’ label was equated to the words cheap, fake and disposable. People didn’t really care much for China’s wholesale gadgets and didn’t expect it to do anything against the manufacturing juggernaut of the world that was America.
Now compare that the ‘made in Japan’ label, which people often equate with ‘reliable, high-quality and cutting edge.’ Retailers and manufacturers alike loved working with Japanese products because of their high quality.
The ironic thing is that products coming from Japan post-WW2 were ridiculed by the world over as cheap knockoffs of American originals – exactly the position where China was more than a decade ago. Both countries branded themselves as a solid wholesale supplier, developed their manufacturing prowess, came up with better organizational setups and put a lot of time and effort researching the technology behind their products.
A Shift From “Cheap Stuff” To “Serious Tech”
Both China and Japan started off small as they learned the ropes of manufacturing, experimenting and continually learning lessons as they went along. What started with simple toys and plastic goods gradually stepped up to semiconductors and advanced alloys.
These efforts ultimately paid off for both countries: they became the world’s best wholesale source of electronics and related technologies.
The key difference between China and Japan, however, is that the former has much more resources than the latter. The sheer number of workers and the mineral deposits gave China a resource-edge over its much smaller neighbour when it comes to the manufacturing of wholesale electronics.
Another significant factor in China’s growth in the manufacture of wholesale electronics is the Chinese government’s control over industry. Chinese leaders focused on developing its industrial base and training its workers to become better skilled at their respective fields of work.
These efforts have resulted in all sorts of companies setting up shop in China. The savings in material and labour have attracted big names like Apple and Microsoft to its industrial zones, shifting China’s manufacturing landscape from small and simple factories to high-tech processing sites.
What This Ultimately Means
China’s prominence as the world’s manufacturing hub casts its products in a new light. Consumers can no longer single out Chinese products simply because virtually everything in the market has at least one component made in China. This is especially true for wholesale electronics, considering China’s involvement in that market.
In short, the quality of Chinese products are up to the world’s wholesale import standards. An increasing number of consumers know this and are therefore more willing to snapping up goods with the ‘made in China’ label. People are much more comfortable with Chinese products now than ever before.
After all, how can cheap and shoddy parts account for 33 percent of the world’s manufactured goods?

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