
The Japanese have done it again when it comes to making so-called ‘intelligent’ robots and this new one is a real winner at the game ‘rock-paper-scissors’.  Given the name “Janken”, which is the Japanese name for the game that this robot plays, it’s creators have designed it that it will always win.  When we do say win we mean it in a lose way because actually the robot can read the hand shape of the opponent and using its program to react at such a rapid speed that it seems almost simultaneously as the human opponent.

The Japanese scientists that made this version had the aim of making it faster than the version that was shown at the University of Tokyo in June 2012.  The Janken robot relies on hand recognition to counter and end up always winning, or cheating as you may want to claim. This type of technology shows that the speed these robots can operate at now is almost mirroring our actions at the same time when in fact it has already read our reaction and responded accordingly and thought about how to do it in a millionth second that even out brain has not even able to register.  Could Terminator actually happen?

To read more, please click here.

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