Facebook’s New Warning

When most people think of Facebook, they think of a social media website that takes up your time and energy while being highly addictive. People use it as a platform to express their feelings, to rant about politics, to ask questions, to display photos of themselves or generally to stalk someone and possibly their family. However, Facebook has been in the news again, but this time for videos, and not the ones of kittens playing in teacups or a drunk trying to climb an escalator, these videos are about decapitation. These videos of poor victims having their heads removed from their shoulders in a gruesome fashion has angered many as they easy to see if they appear in the user’s feed, and what has angered people even more is that the fact that to join Facebook requires you to be over the age of 13, therefore many minors have access to these videos. Most of these videos are usually terrorist or militia related where they capture helpless victims parade them in front of a camera ranting on about stuff before guillotining their heads off, either with a knife or a chainsaw.

Facebook had banned these videos but now for some unknown reason they have allowed them back on but as soon as they did it caused uproar, so how did Facebook get around this issue? Did they remove the videos again? No, instead they have decided to insert a warning message at the beginning of the video to warn viewers that what they are about to watch as it contains extremely graphic content and maybe upsetting. I think some of the movies being release today should have these warning, not because of the blood or how gruesome they are but how bad and repetitive they have become, but that is for me to rant about on a different.

How should Facebook tackle things like this in the future? Maybe raise the age to 18? Become stricter with what can be posted but that goes against the “Freedom” that they are offering. I hear people complain about Facebook, but I use it and about 90% for uploading photos of travels for my friends living world –wide to see.  I avoid rants and giving my opinions because I am a straight talker and very direct that political correctness fears so I feel it is best just to read and respond to people who ask “How have you been?”. People also need to realize that Facebook is a huge community of people that want to express opinions or believe in different things and if someone disagrees with you then it is easier just to ignore and not let it get to you, after all it is just another ‘keyboard warrior’, if they real feel strong about something then they would do something about it not just type away.

The UK prime minister even tweeted about the situation before the warning messages were added; maybe he helped influence the warning messages to be inserted at the beginning of the videos as he criticized Facebook by calling them irresponsible and how they should put an alert or warning at eh beginning.

Anyway, the warning messages are added at the beginning of the beheading videos so if you are into watching that type of thing you will have to wait a few seconds as the warning message displays at the beginning but you commence viewing.

To read more, please click here.

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