Confessions Of An Interior Designer: How I Came To Rely On Computer Projectors

I was never really good at working with 3D software, but computer projectors helped ease me into the process. They have become less a mysterious Pandora’s box and more like wrist watches that you come to subconsciously rely on. Here’s my take on how I was able to integrate mobile mini computer projectors into my design plans:
computer projector
The Problem
One of the biggest problems I had was properly pinning the images I have in my mind with the interior I am working with. I have all these design ideas floating in my head but I needed a tool to help me better visualise what effect these designs would have. I tried snapping photos and making paper cutouts, but the process was too slow and time-consuming. Clients needed to see what I had in mind as soon as possible, and I could not afford to luxuriously take my time with cutouts from digital camera photos.
A friend recommended I try using a projector for computers, but I was hesitant because of my prior experience with 3D design software. The programs I experimented with were clunky, extremely technical and were suited more for architects and engineers than interior decorators.
But I eventually relented and he brought a few whiteboard computer projectors I could try out.
Computer Projectors
The hardware itself impressed me. He explained it was an LCD projector that simulated a whiteboard – that I could use the accompanying infrared pen to interact with the projected image. He said there were DLP projectors out there but they were a bit costlier and more suited to videos than static pictures.
After he was done showing me the projector itself, he set the projector up in my office and projected a map of this one room he was working on. I saw the usual images of a top-down floor plan – measurements, walls, windows, doors, fixtures and the like. What surprised me was how easily he was able to manipulate all these items using the infrared pen he had with him.
I immediately saw how valuable these whiteboard computer projectors could be for my work.
The first and most obvious advantage was that I could use the tool to share how an interior space would look like in my mind. This would be valuable for my colleagues as it would significantly speed up briefings while cutting down on potential misunderstandings. This setup would also allow me to better communicate to clients how their interiors would look like while simultaneously impressing them with the projected display.
The second advantage was how quickly and painlessly it would be to modify the floor plan being displayed by a simple home projector with whiteboard capabilities. I didn’t need to fiddle around with complex formula's or tables or commands just to get things to work. All I needed to do was poke and prod with the infrared pen and the computer projectors would recognise my gestures as commands.
I now have my own set of computer projectors in my office along with multiple infrared pens that serve as backups and tools for me, colleagues and clients to swap ideas in real time. I even bring along a miniature projector with Internet access capabilities with me. I can create these smaller projections and sync them up with both an infrared pen and an on line storage site to showcase to work more easily with new clients.
So that’s how I have come to rely on these computer projectors for my projects. How about you – think these projectors can help you out in your line of work?

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