Tasker for Android: Total Automation, from settings to SMS

Tasker is an automation app for Android. It’s similar to apps like on{x} and Locale, but quite frankly, those apps are toys in comparison to Tasker. The basic concept with Tasker is “if X happens, do Y,” where the ridiculous number of Xs and Ys available making it as complex as it is. An example of a relatively simple Tasker setup is “if the phone is put upside down while ringing, mute the sound,” but the sky is the limit for how complex something can be. In fact, through features such as scene (interface) creation and app exports, Tasker is capable of producing fully functional, standalone Android apps.

Learning Tasker is guaranteed to revolutionize how you use you Android device. Android and its apps, like other OSes and basically any consumer product in general, are essentially all about making compromises so that the end result works well for as many people as possible. Tasker gives you the ability to custom tailor your device the way you want it, so that you’re not forced to use some lowest common denominator product. The first part of the beginner’s guide to deal with actual Tasker functionality can be found here. An overview of all important Tasker articles on the site, including the rest of the beginner’s guide, can be found in our Tasker content portal.
In this video below you can see a nice demonstration of what Tasker can do and how powerful it is:

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