Child-Safe Web Browser For Concerned Parents – Kidzy

Internet is a source of practically infinite knowledge and entertainment for all and sundry. Even our children can take great benefit out of it if used in the right manner and for the right purpose. But the fear of exposure to inappropriate content like pornography, online harassment, child predators etc. tend to worry people and keep them from allowing their children to use the internet unsupervised.

Kidzy is a full-screen internet browser that can be employed to let small children browse the web in a secure and safe environment that isn’t offered by mainstream web browsers like Firefox and Chrome. The application’s parental control features aren’t very flexible, but they do ensure that your kids only get to surf the web pages that you have explicitly allowed them to.

Kidzy is a very simple app when it comes to functionality. In fact, we’d rather replace the word simple with limited. From its UI, it clearly seems that the app is designed with children in mind, with its cartoonish buttons and colourful surface. Kidzy automatically blocks access to all websites by default, and displays an access denied message should anyone tries to visit them. To allow access to a website, you need to specifically add it to the favourites/bookmarks list.


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