Twitter Translating Tweets: Egypt

If you are one of them people that come across a thing called the NEWS, then you might have heard from one of the media sources about recent events in Egypt. Plagued by civil unrest and empty promises, the Egyptian army has removed Egypt’s first Muslim ruler President Mohammed Morsi.

As you can expect he was not best pleased so he decided to express himself like everyone else does and that is via the internet. Behind a monitor, anybody can be John Cena and dish out threats and what they are going to do and as well as telling other people what to do. Using the almighty social media tool known as Twitter, Mohammed Morsi has been expressing his disbelief and what he thinks is a miscarriage of justice. He wants to let the world known that this is wrong; however, not all the world understands and reads Arabic. It is like a bird in a cage tweeting away, and while you think it is singing songs of joy the bird could actually be cursing you for locking him up permanently in a small caged confinement.

Twitter is now translating tweets that are posted by Egyptians so that good folks from around the world can be nosy and see what is going on. Mohammed Morsi’s tweets have been translated so that the world now knows his anger.

To read more, please click here.

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