“No Fat, No Problem”… Bings Electronics Healthy Solution

An air fryer could be the answer to all your problems about eating fast and healthy. Trouble is healthy food is usually sold in pet shops for rabbits. Real food and the stuff that actually makes you want to eat such as pork chops and chips are the reason why you have more Xs than a porno flick on your pant’s size label.
People are always complaining about how they want to eat healthy but cannot find the time to do it, so instead they opt for fast food. These people annoy me, and I do mean ‘annoy. When I was a young boy, I use to deliver newspapers before school and hated it when people ordered huge broadsheet newspapers and then had small letters boxes to post them making it a mission itself, and as a result making me annoyed. Anyway this air fryer being offered by Bings Electronics is a way to balance efficiency and healthy eating. It isn’t the heaviest of kitchen apparatus, about 5047 grams to be precise, therefore it doesn’t need a required space and could be easily stored away in a cupboard when not in use, well, that is if the cupboard has dimensions larger than 315x240x330mm (L x W x D), if so, then you are laughing.

The air fryer has a pull out tray that can, if you want, have a divider applied, just in case you want to cook food and keep it separated. The technology that makes this air fryer work is hot air circulation, meaning that by circulating air up to 200C around foods like chips, chicken, fish or pork, this air fryer will be able to brown them off nicely with up to 80 per cent less fat. This state of the art cooking device uses a grill and a fan to blast very hot air around the food at high speeds. Science kicks in and somehow your food is cooked. How does it make this stuff so healthy? The fact it does not require oil when cooking. “Impossible” said my Chinese friend, “You need oil for cooking or taste”, refusing to accept it, we decided to try it for ourselves by cutting up some potatoes and a piece of juicy pork and then inserting it into the air fryer, and with the turn of two knobs gave it between 20 to 25 minutes cooking time. It is very easy to use as it only has two knobs, one for temperature and one for timing. Also when the timer reaches ‘0’ it automatically turns off, therefore preventing it from catching fire and burning your house down or just preventing your food from becoming over cooked.

Key Features

*Air Fryer with No Oil Needed For Cooking – A new way of cooking food using hot air technology that dismisses the use of oil.

*800g Capacity – Plenty of space for pork chops, chicken breasts potatoes, carrots, however don’t try putting in a whole turkey.

*Easy to Use – With only two knobs, one for temperature and one for timing you cannot really mess up here, if so then you shouldn’t be allowed to have children,

*Easy to Clean – The removable parts are dishwasher and wife friendly, and the inside plate can be wiped with a damp cloth.

*A Healthy Solution for Eating Healthier – An alternative way to reduce your fat intake while still enjoying the taste of real food.

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