Instagram Gets Vine-Like Support On Android & iOS

Even since it was released, Vine has been gaining popularity at a decent pace, but since Facebook and Twitter have been fierce rivals for quite a few years, it wasn’t likely that the service was going to have an unchecked run for too long. In a clever move, Facebook has decided to put the loyal user base of Instagram to good use in their bid to stay relevant in the video sharing market.


The latest Instagram update isn’t exactly like Vine, since the videos you create using it are not fixed, six-second looping animations. Instead, Instagram videos can be up to 15 seconds long. The biggest plus, however, is that you can use the beautiful Instagram filters with your videos as well. To top it off, you are sure to appreciate the undo capabilities while shooting videos, too. Unlike Vine, which only recently arrived on Android, the Instagram video feature has been rolled out simultaneously on both major smartphone platforms. The update hasn’t changed things much in other areas of the app, and the changes become visible only when you are on the shooting screen: right next to the camera icon, you’ll now see a video button.

Instagram videos can be recorded using both front and rear cams. The recording procedure is quite similar to Vine but in Vine, you have to tap and hold anywhere on the viewfinder area to capture each frame while with Instagram, you have to do the same with the record button, since tapping the screen adjusts camera focus. If you want to get rid of some of the frames, use the back button that shows up to the left of the record icon. To start from scratch, long-press this back button and choose ‘Discard’ from the resulting dialog.

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