Put All Your Cloud Services Into One with Jolidrive

Cloud services are everywhere, and you probably have at least a few accounts all over the web. Jolidrive takes all those services and rolls them into one, simple interface.
Perhaps you have files in Dropbox, but prefer Google Drive for documents. Maybe you take photos with Instagram, but keep the majority of your collection in Flickr. Jolidrive can access all of those accounts from a single location so you don’t have to go all over the web looking for individual files. While Jolidrive doesn’t support every single cloud service at this moment, it does work with many popular ones. In addition to those previously mentioned, YouTube, Box, SkyDrive, Facebook, Instapaper, Tumblr, Google+ (kind of), Readability, Vimeo, Picasa, and more all work.
While Jolidrive doesn’t cost anything, you have to promote it on social media in order to unlock some of the aforementioned services. While that isn’t a high price to pay, I’d personally rather pay actual money than be used as an advertising platform—even if I like the product (which I obviously do or this post wouldn’t exist). Nevertheless, Jolidrive offers a fantastic interface and connects tons of services together with ease. If you can get past the social media sharing (or implement a workaround), it’s a great way to keep all your cloud data in one central location.

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