U.S B2C Giant Staples Opens Store on China Tmall

Different from the strategy of Amazon entering Chinese market, the second largest U.S. B2C giant “Staples” came to the Chinese market by means of China’s biggest B2C platform Tmall. Yesterday, Staples flagship was officially opened on Tmall, which is another step to reach Chinese consumers besides 30 plus offline stores and the official website.

“Staples” entered the Chinese market in 2004, and until now its official website is currently operating tens of thousands of office supplies, including those in Jiangsu, Shenzhen and Shanghai 31 physical stores.

According to reports, “Staples” and the Tmall systems are going to be docked; the official flagship store Staples on Tmall has already listed 2300 items, including a variety of products on sale. It is said that Staples U.S. headquarters has become the nation’s first consumer 3D printer retailers. Once Staples online store opened, it means that in the future, these new goodies are expected to enter the Chinese market in the first time through this new channel Tmall.


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