World’s Fastest Super Computer – ‘Made In China’

China has claimed to have built the world’s fastest supercomputer. The Chinese also mention that this new super computer is almost as twice as fast as the previous record holder, which are their ‘friends’ across the pacific, the good old USA.

The supercomputer, known as the ‘Tianhe-2”, was built by the National University of Defence Technology, which is based in Chairman Mao’s old hang out, Changsha City.

To compare speeds, think that the average human brain takes 0-20 petaflops per second, then consider that the ‘Tianhe-2” is double that speed. As this has been manufactured by the Chinese, which usually have a reputation of manufacturing stuff that is as reliable as a half cooked hash brown, this is quite a feat for the world’s fastest developing nation. However, before Mao came to power and stopped and changed China from its previous days, the Chinese have invented many important including the so called ‘Four Greatest Inventions’, which are paper, the compass, gunpowder and printing. This latest development as well as sending people to space could be the start of China returning to their yester-years of where they had great influence and one of the richest civilizations.

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