Smartphones Are Getting Smarter With HUD

When the mobile first came out you could basically call other people with a phone and that was it, then you could send a message using SMS. Gradually mobile phones developed to host many features, so many in fact that it has helped reduce the purpose of buying separate products. A smartphone can call, take pictures, access the internet, listen to MP3s, take pictures, record videos, play games, watch movies, read ebooks and much more all on a handheld device. Now the next stage of smartphone evolution is coming…

A satnav company called Garmin have designed and created a portable HUD (Head UP Display) that works with your smartphone and an installed application. The final result is that you can watch a projection on your windscreen that will inform you distances, current speed and speed limits as well as project directional arrows. This function takes full effect of your smartphone by using the phone’s built-in speakers or even the car’s speakers if your phone is paired via Bluetooth to broadcast voice prompts.

Benefits of this device is that it will increase safety as you can remove it when you are not in the vehicle and also it is seen as less distracting than having to look down on previous GPS and navigation devices. Also HUD is no longer being limited to top of the line luxury motors but instead have become increasingly common in mod range vehicles. This type of technology is essential for fighter pilots to use.

To read more please click here.

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